

The library belonging to this school numbers 160 volumes, of which number an average of about 65 volumes have been distributed to the teachers & schollars on each Sabbath and during the summer there have been 585 volumes read by the different scholars

The deep interest taken by the schollars to hve the books to read and the anxiety manifested in their study we have every reason to believe that they have been a great source of intellectual benefit to those that have read them. The books are not only read by the children and members of the school but in most cases have been read by the majority of the family in which they have been received so that the aggregate of reading matter which has been perused through the means of these books have been increased at least ten fold. The Librarian has observed repeated instances of the happy effects of having religious books to read and would mention one single instance. "A schollar was asked if she wished to exchange her book" said "Oh yes sir I love to read them so much - I have read mine through three time this week" Many other similar instances might be mentioned but one will suffice

This school has at its close contributed the sum of $10, 00/100 for purchasing a sabbath school library for some destitute school in the west and also $5. for the increase of their own Library.