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List of Major Cities on Korendor


The following table is derived from the map of Korendor that is included on the Graphics page. The map, while crudely done (it was hand-drawn for John W. Dean for his 1970 book, "Flying Saucers – Close Up"), is adequate for a very basic introduction to Korendian topography.

The list and the map include only cities of greater than one million permanent population. The list is arranged by 30-degree longitude bands, starting from the left. Note that on Korendor, longitude increases in an easterly direction, opposite to our convention. Within each block, the cities are listed alphabetically by land mass and then by city name. The latitudes and longitudes for the cities were verified by the Korendians, and are the geographic centers of the cities.

The population data represents the resident population of the named cities and their immediate suburban areas. It was obtained from the census information registered in the Korendian Hall of Records on our date of October 12, 2008. The figures are rounded to the nearest ten.

Conspicuously absent from the map are any cities that would qualify as seaports. Although a lot of Korendor's surface is water, the Korendian people have long since abandoned sea travel for any purpose other than recreation and liesure. The seacoasts are dotted with smaller cities, towns, etcetera, but none qualify for the purpose of the map and this list.

In keeping with the format of several pages on the TK site, the data is in a table format. The Index below links to the various longitude blocks. The Index buttons after each table return to this index.

Korendian Cities Index

Longitude Block 180° to 210°
Longitude Block 210° to 240°
Longitude Block 240° to 270°
Longitude Block 270° to 300°
Longitude Block 300° to 330°
Longitude Block 330° to 000°
Longitude Block 000° to 030°
Longitude Block 030° to 060°
Longitude Block 060° to 090°
Longitude Block 090° to 120°
Longitude Block 120° to 150°
Longitude Block 150° to 180°

Longitude Block: 180° to 210°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Indiara Kolanari +00°  00' 194°  30' 3,614,540
Ordias Amagrit -72°  48' 207°  32' 21,694,320
Ordias Elvenda -36°  51' 192°  14' 1,347,850
Ordias (island) Nalami -22°  23' 207°  42' 9,162,570
Ordias Parasin -47°  43' 198°  05' 19,727,740
Ordias Talogar -64°  10' 188°  29' 8,254,660
Tamarna Anovar +32°  39' 193°  17' 1,622,470
Tamarna Halikar -14°  49' 205°  00' 4,239,800
Tamarna Olvarad +44°  27' 204°  51' 5,821,750
Tamarna Taroliar +12°  42' 184°  46' 2,084,910

Longitude Block: 210° to 240°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Ordias Modigreb -72°  58' 229°  05' 6,510,340
Tamarna Almasar +06°  22' 239°  54' 7,637,100
Tamarna Almasar +06°  22' 239°  54' 7,637,100
Tamarna Kaltaniri +56°  51' 237°  22' 13,021,370
Tamarna Molarin +33°  24' 235°  09' 5,647,590
Tamarna Nirivak -23°  51' 225°  27' 10,891,350
Tamarna Palodor +15°  33' 218°  49' 24,976,230
Tamarna Salindria +05°  15' 223°  38' 4,643,810
Tamarna Tanasur -10°  09' 217°  12' 5,003,640

Longitude Block: 240° to 270°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Markama Vidinar -53°  22' 252°  19' 16,842,670
Markama Illak -56°  41' 269°  40' 9,994,310
Mirial Chiticol -17°  23' 247°  04' 2,248,630
Mirial Patalir -18°  09' 255°  00' 21,019,410
Tamarna Amaren +53°  41' 246°  10' 4,310,820
Tamarna Amidar +17°  38' 268°  23' 22,651,820
Tamarna Childan +27°  32' 244°  35' 6,514,340
Tamarna Markol +60°  28' 257°  04' 10,542,900
Tamarna Salohar +16°  44' 253°  20' 12,154,880
Tamarna Vodilan +33°  29' 266°  54' 4,927,610

Longitude Block: 270° to 300°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Almardan Mariala +47°  06' 289°  15' 7,641,320
Anavest Avestal -16°  51' 294°  19' 5,547,620
Markama Ambitar -32°  19' 285°  53' 8,880,340
Markama Ormon -43°  31' 291°  17' 10,632,110
Markama Tirvan -57°  30' 290°  10' 3,227,690
Markama Venekal -48°  06' 278°  23' 24,947,370
Tomora Laran +11°  54' 282°  28' 6,344,050

Longitude Block: 300° to 330°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Almardan Amakol +44°  20' 324°  12' 6,627,380
Almardan Elarin +16°  27' 312°  04' 15,549,130
Almardan Nasaren +30°  49' 317°  23' 2,115,670
Almardan Salvari +05°  36' 328°  16' 28,033,910
Markama Anivar -56°  34' 313°  31' 13,557,680
Markama Narigal -39°  51' 310°  00' 7,310,940
Nagol Tamirak -38°  20' 324°  07' 4,616,250

Longitude Block: 330° to 000°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Almardan Alkinar +53°  26' 356°  08' 6,993,340
Almardan Almagar +03°  22' 348°  04' 17,292,190
Almardan Kahira +23°  40' 339°  30' 31,855,370
Almardan Olnikar -49°  26' 312°  40' 28,522,730
Almardan Parakem -25°  11' 356°  29' 21,670,820
Almardan Varandin +46°  19' 352°  14' 26,137,200
Almardan Vidanar -16°  07' 352°  49' 8,803,640
Almardan VRELL CITY +10°  41' 355°  25' 38,512,650

Longitude Block: 000° to 030°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Almardan Anisel -42°  08' 014°  53' 28,064,760
Almardan Chimeral +40°  41' 004°  18' 8,505,320
Almardan Patirna -56°  49' 022°  30' 9,317,050
Almardan Samilar +45°  23' 011°  20' 17,624,900
Almardan Tanavek +28°  19' 018°  20' 21,645,270
Almardan Ternak -63°  05' 018°  19' 10,641,940
Almardan Varani +02°  51' 009°  07' 6,311,510

Longitude Block: 030° to 060°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Almarden Kalitra +32°  13' 033°  07' 11,515,340
Almarden Martibal -72°  15' 043°  05' 12,154,690
Almarden Olganar -56°  08' 043°  10' 9,377,500
Maldisen Albilar +05°  04' 050°  02' 25,282,140
Maldisen Vanimar +02°  49' 038°  41' 3,647,510
Margiam Olvera -13°  20' 040°  16' 14,634,400
Taridal Elkara +60°  54' 050°  11' 11,164,360
Taridal Ilona +64°  07' 052°  20' 7,651,710
Taridal Medana +45°  41' 055°  06' 10,664,070
Taridal Noromal +58°  03' 042°  17' 5,321,840

Longitude Block: 060° to 090°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Almarden Senderak -67°  41' 064°  06' 2,102,540
Haldra Haldran -39°  16' 075°  52' 14,325,040
Maldisen Alibar +23°  15' 087°  19' 22,781,650
Maldisen Alinar -07°  23' 085°  00' 25,654,530
Maldisen Almidra -24°  05' 077°  13' 18,282,140
Maldisen Sanoval +27°  51' 066°  43' 9,568,620
Maldisen Oldan +04°  10' 071°  06' 13,582,630
Maldisen Tamarali +31°  24' 072°  32' 17,521,940
Taridal Almagar +62°  41' 067°  13' 5,160,870

Longitude Block: 090° to 120°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Capral Tambera -10°  26' 119°  13' 23,451,840
Maldisen Magador -29°  36' 105°  50' 14,622,350
Tamarna Tandaor +51°  47' 111°  28' 10,354,960
Tamarna Koanarda +47°  41' 102°  34' 21,647,320
Tamarna Vaharia +29°  11' 118°  57' 18,225,970

Longitude Block: 120° to 150°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Capral Iliredar -18°  27' 129°  34' 25,257,940
Capral Salvek -12°  51' 139°  52' 17,457,320
Ordias Penlal -54°  28' 136°  25' 6,554,760
Tamarna Amaden +32°  03' 145°  02' 8,461,280
Tamarna Sendalar +22°  49' 133°  23' 13,854,120
Tamarna Imarta +39°  57' 126°  37' 22,945,060
Tamarna Timan +51°  01' 141°  47' 9,879,530
Tamarna Valsadin +13°  06' 144°  13' 27,354,750

Longitude Block: 150° to 180°
Land MassCity NameLatitudeLongitudePopulation
Ordias Alinori -51°  53' 176°  43' 2,341,290
Ordias Ambar -46°  27' 157°  35' 10,226,850
Ordias Talkan -15°  07' 176°  53' 22,552,640
Ordias Vagam -33°  19' 154°  10' 15,374,050
Tamarna Aliden -04°  10' 157°  15' 19,617,890
Tamarna Enikar +17°  26' 171°  00' 26,551,460
Tamarna Ilivar +57°  07' 157°  14' 11,521,480
Tamarna Omiden +05°  50' 161°  09' 16,484,170
Tamarna Parima +26°  58' 177°  05' 23,674,130
Tamarna Survan +23°  48' 164°  18' 17,254,680
Tamarna Tinahar +37°  25' 169°  20' 8,772,380

© 2009 Robert P. Renaud -- all rights reserved