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TerraKor Site Information

Updated: 20090719

A Few Words of Introduction

Welcome to the website of TerraKor (Terra-Korendor), the Alliance-Terran Communication Center.

Since 1961, Bob Renaud has been in communication with the people of Korendor and the United Worlds Alliance (UWA). This website contains the records that have been released. It includes the full series of messages from ArKay, a Korendian spokesman, who addresses many topics concerning Earth, Korendor, and the Alliance.

We recommend that the reader start with the Notes and Spurious Contacts files before beginning the contact reports. There are notations in the text that might otherwise be confusing.

Thank you for visiting TerraKor. Va i luce!

Tech stuff

• This site has been designed and coded for proper display on any browser — however, there is no way to assure that it will. The intent was to make it as simple and "clean" as possible. There are no garish backgrounds, no ransom-note fonts, no frames, no animated graphics or Flash files, in short, nothing that distracts from its purpose for the sake of being "fancy".

• A display resolution of 1024x768 or higher is recommended, primarily for the pages with tables. The font in use is Tahoma. If that is not on your computer, it will display in Arial.

• We use only the necessary graphics, in deference to those visitors on dial-up Internet connections. However, some of the "Large" images on the Graphics page are several hundred kilobytes in size (the largest is 964,783 bytes). Dial-up users should check the "Small" version first to determine if the full-sized file is desired.

• At the bottom of multi-page reports are navigation buttons. The left arrow goes to the previous page, the right arrow to the next page, and the up arrow returns to the index pages for the respective series. Black arrows indicate non-working buttons.

• Clicking on the logo at the top of any page returns to the main index page, with five exceptions: the top logos of the Plato 1987, ArKay, Master List of Planets, Korendian Language and "A Love Written..." pages return to their respective index pages. The logos of the index pages go to the main index page.

• In the Table of Contents, this graphic indicates topics that have recently been added or modified.


• All information is copyrighted, and all rights are reserved. This will not change. "Fair-use" citations with proper attribution are welcomed.

• Your privacy is as valuable at TerraKor as is ours. We do not use tracking cookies, nor do we geolocate your IP number (how some websites "know" where you are). Your identity and location are not our concern.


• This website is not affiliated in any way with the "World of Warcraft" game, the Robotix TV series, the terraKOR Web design site, or any other site that Google, Yahoo et al might find in a search for "TerraKor".

• Web searches for Korendor, Korendian(s), etc. will find hundreds of Web pages, but this is the only one authorized and supported by the United Worlds Alliance and Project Terra.

• Two websites, UFO Hypotheses and UFO Photo Archives, have been approved to present material from the UWA and this website. Any other sites are doing so without UWA support. Although the material that they present may be accurate, it will not be verified by the UWA or the Korendians. Caveat emptor.

Main Index

© 2011 Robert P. Renaud -- all rights reserved