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Brightest Stars - Planetary Systems List

21 May 2008

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1. ALPHA CANIS MAJORIS (SIRIUS), Halver, 51-R-26055, 8.8 LY
Planet Name Ind/Col Orbit (AU) Year (E=1) Diameter (Mi)
Kaldan COL 3.081 5.0014 9218.6
Damat COL 5.738 8.7867 7413.9

Note: Kaldan is the "official" headquarters planet for the Omegans, and Damat was their major military base. They have decentralized and scattered their operations over a wide area to avoid being taken out with one attack.

2. ALPHA CARINAE (CANOPUS), Aktrana, 35-N-25173, 312.4 LY

There are three semi-gaseous planets orbiting at extended distances from the star. They are uninhabitable.

3. ALPHA CENTAURI A (RIGEL KENTAURUS), Childora, 24-L-7140, 4.2 LY
Planet Name Ind/Col Orbit (AU) Year (E=1) Diameter (Mi)
Childora-2 IND 1.355 1.503 10,104

There are two planets in orbit around Alpha Centauri-A, Childora-2, and Childora-1, which is at about 0.37 AU from the star and, like Mercury, is hostile to life. The inhabitants of Ch-2 are semi-humanoid, and highly advanced both socially and scientifically. There are no planets around Alpha Centauri-B.

4. ALPHA LYRAE (VEGA), Kalranda, 55-E-01359, 25.1 LY
Planet Name Ind/Col Orbit (AU) Year (E=1) Diameter (Mi)
Kalran COL? 8.021 13.168 7348

This is the home system for the Kalran Empire. Very little is known for certain, inasmuch as the Kalrans are not open with information. It is believed to have been colonized.

5. ALPHA AURIGAE (CAPELLA), Goranmal, 37-F-12057, 43.5 LY

Capella is a binary star, with the two stars orbiting at about 63 million miles apart. There are two planets in orbit around their gravitational center, roughly 10.6 (Goranmal-1) and 15.9 AU (Goranmalk-2) from the center. Neither is inhabited. The inner one is about the same size and mass as Neptune. The farther out of the two is a dead, rocky planet. It has an operational, mostly-automated Confederation scientific facility of unknown purpose.

6. ALPHA BOOTIS (ARCTURUS), Elderon, 49-M-94421, 37 LY
Planet Name Ind/Col Orbit (AU) Year (E=1) Diameter (Mi)
Alandra (Arcturia) IND 9.276 14.33 12,284
Enderon-3 COL 13.87 26.19 9790

There are two inhabited worlds in the 7-planet Elderon system. Alandra is the one sometimes refered to as Arcturia, although that is a designation that we gave it. There are small scientific colonies on two others.

7. BETA ORIONIS (RIGEL), Tatrak, 20-J-32466, 784 LY

Rigel is one half of a "spectroscopic binary", two stars in close orbit around a common center of gravity. There are three planets in wide, irregular orbits around the twin stars, but they are still in the process of formation. Because Rigel's expected lifespan is in millions rather than billions of years, the planets will never achieve their final form. The system provides an ongoing opportunity to study planets being "created".

8. ALPHA CANIS MINORIS (PROCYON), Kraderor Artimel, 37-G-21909, 10.6 LY
Planet Name Ind/Col Orbit (AU) Year (E=1) Diameter (Mi)
Alitra IND 2.438 2.861 7480
Vadnak COL 3.189 4.281 13,440

Alitra is called the "World of Knowledge". See the contact, "Alliance Education", 28 July 1963, 0200 EDT. Alitra's facilities are official Alliance operations. Vadnak is the Alliance's public-access "library". People from many Alliance worlds who go there to study, do research, and immerse themselves in its vast stores of knowledge. There are colonies on the other planets that will support them.

9. ALPHA ERIDANI (ACHERNAR), Vultekk, 42-M-25100, 144 LY

There are no planets. Vultekk Minor is a long-dead star. It was apparently captured in a close approach, and is in a highly elongated, almost comet-like orbit, with the perilelion being 7.33 AU and the aphelion being 423.5 AU.

10. BETA CENTAURI (HADAR), Manntik, 75-K-19544, 510 LY

Hadar has no planets, although it does have an "accretion disk" that is often the forerunner of planet formation.

11. ALPHA AQUILAE (ALTAIR), Suldur, 19-D-29258, 16.7 LY
Planet Name Ind/Col Orbit (AU) Year (E=1) Diameter (Mi)
Korelia COL 2.838 3.378 10,196
Sulderel COL 4.542 6.845 9155

There are five planets in this system. The above two were colonized by the Confederation. The other three have small outposts, but no permanent colonies.

12. ALPHA ORIONIS (BETELGEUSE), Vaedural, 25-H-32648, 430 LY

The faked MLP lists 8 planets for Betelgeuse. That was a partial truth. In its earlier days, Betelgeuse had eight planets (none inhabited). In its expansion to the red giant phase, it engulfed the two inner ones. The outermost six remain, but will be annihilated when the star becomes a supernova millions of years from now.

13. ALPHA TAURI (ALDEBARAN), Warnova, 53-D-27099, 65 LY

Like Betelgeuse, Aldebaran had a retinue of planets in its earlier age. There are indications of fairly advanced life having existed on the third and fourth planets, but the star's expansion into its giant phase rendered the planets lifeless. It is unknown whether any type of evacuation occured. The Confederation has no records of it, given the time frame.

14. ALPHA VIRGINIS (SPICA), Falger, 22-M-90042, 260 LY

Spica is another close double star, with the two components separated by about 0.1 AU. There are three planets with wide orbits outside of the habitable zone. There is a belt of rubble suggesting that there were at one time two inner planets, a smaller one in an eliptical orbit that crossed the roughly circular orbit of the other larger one. The assumption is that when the planets were at their nearest approach, they exerted a gravitational pull that eventually affected the orbit of the smaller one, drawing it closer to the other. The ultimate result was that they collided, fragmenting both of them.

15. BETA GEMINORUM (POLLUX), Polaknar, 44-R-60523, 33.6 LY

In the 2008 listing, Pollux was said to have no planets. This was based on how the Korendians generally define a planet, i.e., a body formed out of an accretion disk during the formation of stellar systems. There is an orbiting body that Terran astronomers call "Pollux b", comparable in mass to Jupiter, that is presumed to be the remnant of a long-dead star that blew off most of its mass in a catastrophic supernova explosion a few billion years ago. It is presumed that "b" was captured by Pollux during a close encounter with it. This is speculation, since other theories have also been offered to explain it.

16. ALPHA SCORPII (ANTARES), Zaran, 44-R-60523, 600 LY

Antares is another red supergiant. It had three planets millions of years ago, but its expansion (now large enough to encompass Jupiter) has engulfed the inner two.

17. ALPHA PISCIS AUSTRINI (FOMALHAUT), Kohata, 31-F-549707, 25 LY
Planet Name Ind/Col Orbit (AU) Year (E=1) Diameter (Mi)
Kohatak *** *** *** 385,800

This "planet" is in fact a huge gas ball with a dense metallic core, possibly the ejecta of a supernova blast. It has 10 times the mass of Jupiter, but a diameter of about 47% of the sun's. It is assumed that it roamed freely through interstellar gas clouds, accumulating its enormous atmosphere, until it happened into Fomalhaut's gravity field and was captured. Its orbit is a wide ellipse, 12 AU from the star at its closest to 58 AU at its furthest.

18. ALPHA CYGNI (DENEB), 19-J-04533, 2800 LY

No planets. Deneb is expected to become a supernova within 5 years

19. ALPHA LEONIS (REGULUS), Xarn, 34-D-22696, 74 LY

No planets.

20. BETA CRUCIS (MIMOSA), Aschomel, 06-M-79292,

This is another spectrographic double. It has a retinue of ten planets, as the MLP indicated. None are inhabited, although the third and fourth planets have Confederation facilities for various purposes.


© 2008 Robert P. Renaud -- all rights reserved